A New Phenomenon In Pain Management
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Have you bought an Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist and never really seen the benefits it seemed
to promise? Do you have a clear understanding about what the various sensations mean? Can you identify your own medical conditions
by studying the hand map that comes with Aculife? Did you know that stimulating just a few different points on your hand could
really take the pain away? Did you know that there are actually 57 different hand maps that clearly show you how to treat
a large number of medical conditions? Would you like to get the benefits that Aculife can really offer?
Then you need to learn how to use it properly! | |

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Sprained Ankle
“I twisted by ankle prior to Christmas and it ballooned up
into a massive lump, which was extremely painful. After 15 minutes treatment with the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist the
pain disappeared and did not return”
Problem Detection
“Thankfully I do not have any serious ailments at the moment.
However, I purchased an Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist so that I can diagnose health issues in my family. I have tested this
on a large number of friends and family members and it has accurately reported specific health issues or pain problems in
every one it has been tried on. It's simply amazing”.
“I have been suffering from fatigue for several months. After a single
15-minute treatment with the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist before bed one evening, I woke up with more energy than I have
had for quite some time”.
Blood Pressure
“I bought an Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist just as a lark
to try on my friends at the Christmas party. However, nobody was laughing when it accurately detected a whole host of different
problems from blood pressure to prostrate trouble. Now they all want one”.
Swollen Glands
“One of my friends tried out the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist
on me and I thought it was just a gimmick when it showed up a problem in my neck, which I did not have at the time. Two days
later I woke up with swollen glands in my neck. I could not believe it could anticipate the problem before it had fully manifested
Back Pain
“I have had a chronic back problem for several
years and this has meant that long car journeys had to be avoided. However, I recently went on a 5-hour car journey in France,
using the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist for 3 periods of 15 minutes during the trip. Unbelievably, I remained
pain free for the entire trip and didn't need any analgesia. I am delighted with the Aculife kit”.
Gynaecological Problems
“I consented to having the Aculife Magnetic Wave
Therapist run over my hand but I was totally shocked when it was pointed out to me that I had some gynaecological problems.
I have never discussed this with anyone and I can't figure out how the Aculife machine could tell”.
Arm & Shoulder Pain
“I was on holiday in Ireland recently and a friend
tried the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist on my husband, who has been suffering from arm and shoulder pain for over 20 years
following an industrial accident. With a single treatment on the Aculife machine the pain disappeared for the first time in
20 years”.
Hay Fever
“I suffer from Hay Fever at this time every year. I recently tried
the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist to see if it would help and the symptoms disappeared in just 20 minutes. The allergy came
back a week later and another 20-minute session with Aculife provided complete relief”.
Neck & Shoulders
“My sister recently bought an Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist
and I got a chance to try it while staying with her. It quickly diagnosed pain in my neck, shoulders and back and I was able
to use it to take away the pain”.
Wrist Pain
“My mother recently bought an Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist following
the article in the newspapers. Not only has my father used it to take away back pain but I have used it for the same problem
myself. Also, I do a lot of long distance cycling and it worked wonders on my painful wrists after a 5 hour charity cycle
last week. I have placed an order for two more Aculife machines for myself and a friend of mine”.
“My son's friend from Vigo in Spain tried the Aculife Magnetic Wave
Therapist while on a recent visit to my home. He has been suffering from Sinusitis since childhood. On the first day of treatment
he got complete relief; on the second day he got some relief; and on the third day he got complete relief again. This is after
suffering from Sinusitis for 20 years”.
Back Pain
“I have a degenerative problem with the lower most disc in my back
which causes referred sciatic pain in the calf of my lower leg. This has been an ongoing problem for several years. I use
the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist to manage my pain successfully so that I can sleep at night”.
“I have tried the Aculife device as you suggested for the last two
nights and I have noticed a marked improvement with the sinus problem I have been having”.
Neck, Shoulder & Lower Back Pain
“I have been attending a chronic pain
management specialist for the past 5 years and I am also a member of the Chronic Pain Association. Medication has only given
me temporary relief from chronic pain in my neck, shoulders, spine and lower back. After using the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist
for 2 days, 45 minutes in the morning and the same again at night time, I am now pain free. Also, I have suffered from poor
circulation in my hands and feet for many years, with them feeling cold most of the time. The Aculife device has speeded up
my circulation to such an extent that my hands and feet are now warm the whole time”.
Parkinson’s Disease
“I suffer from Parkinson’s disease and I have
been treated successfully with the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist by my Physiotherapist to relieve pain in my back and legs.
I am so pleased with the results that I have now purchased one so that I can treat myself at home”.
Knee & Cartilage Pain
“I have had serious cartilage problems in my knee
due to sports injuries and several courses of anti-inflammatories made no difference. The pain in my knee has forced me to
walk with a limp and my doctor was recommending surgery to try and rectify the problem. My brother-in-law introduced me to
Aculife and after using it for two weeks my limp is gone and the pain is minimal”.
“I have been sleeping better and my back and neck problems are improved
since I started using the Aculife device”.
Sciatica & Back Pain
“I tried the Aculife Magnetic Wave Therapist for
less than 10 minutes the evening I bought it, before heading out to the pub. I was amazed to find that it relieved my sciatica
and lower back pain so quickly. More importantly, I woke up the next morning pain free for the first time in years. While
I was out, my son, who had a septic throat and could not swallow, used the machine for 20 minutes to successfully ease the
Back Pain
“A friend of mine bought an Aculife machine back in the Summer time
and has used it successfully to treat lower back pain. After trying it on me for a similar problem, I decided to get one for
Neck Pain
“I was crippled with pain from a trapped nerve in my neck, and I
could not move my head. After just 40 minutes treating the problem with Aculife on the back of my thumb and two fingers the
pain was reduced from 100% down to about 30% and I once again had free movement of my head”.
“I have been using Aculife for several months to successfully treat
tinnitus and to boost energy levels following a serious surgical procedure. In diagnosis mode, Aculife found a problem with
my wife's hip and upon further medical investigation it was discovered that she had a hairline fracture in her hip that required
insertion of a metal brace. Without Aculife we would have been totally unaware of this problem”
Fibro Myalgia
“I have been a sufferer with fibro-myalgia for several years
and I have not had any relief from daily pain until I discovered Aculife. I have recommended it to many of my friends who
have also purchased it”.
Polyps in Uterus
“I discovered a strong prickling sensation on my wrist when
using Aculife. This point corresponded to the uterus and so I went to my gynaecologist for a check up. He discovered a number
of growths on the lining of my womb which he was able to remove successfully. Without Aculife, I would not have been aware
of the problem”.
Neck Pain & Insomnia
“Greetings from a happy customer, the Aculife I got
from you a couple of weeks ago works!!!!!! No more listening to radio for two hours in the middle of night. Even when I wake
up, I get back to sleep very quickly. Neck mobility is so improved, and sorry about this, but I can fasten my bra up no problem,
and I was really having difficulty with my reach. Energy is great and as I learn more, I expect to improve lots more in my
life. I told you on the phone that I did not go much on testimonials; well I have to eat my words. You now have my thanks
for a much improved body health”.
“Getting along well with the Aculife. My wife is off all her painkillers
for her sinus/migraine”.
“A friend sent me an Aculife to Zambia where I work and live. I have
had good success treating patients with Malaria and it gives significant relief from the symptoms”.
Frozen Shoulder
“I have had problems with a frozen shoulder for some time
and also severe pain in my hips. I am a keen golfer and the hip problem in particular has made playing golf quite difficult.
Walking has been painful and I have needed to use a golf buggy to get around the golf course. After using Aculife for 5 days
all my pain has gone and I am back playing golf, without the golf buggy. By the way, I am 83 years old”.
Neck Pain/Injury
“I twisted my neck in work and slipped a disc. This resulted
in such severe pain that I needed 13 prescription painkillers per day to numb the pain. Using a combination of physiotherapy
and the Aculife machine I gradually reduced the painkillers to 6 after a fortnight and then down to none at all. A half hour
session on Aculife gives me pain relief for from 24 to 48 hours. I was so impressed that I appeared on national television
to talk about it. Also, my husband, who suffers from migraine, was able to get significant pain relief in just 10 minutes
using Aculife”.
Back Pain
“I drive for a living and suffer from dreadful back pain from sitting
down all day. I met the distributor of Aculife in a gas station for a quick demonstration of the machine and ended up buying
it. It has really sorted out the pain, so much so that I have introduced it to a friend who also suffers from back problems
and he has bought one also”.